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Hungarian Goulash

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Hungarian Goulash

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Adjust Servings:
3 tbsp Vegetable Oil
900 g Beef Braising Steak
2 Onion
2 cloves Garlic
2 tbsp Tomato Puree
2 tbsp Paprika
2 x 400g Tinned tomatoes
600ml Beef Stock
1 tbsp Honey
2 Red Pepper
225 ml Sour Cream




When I think of Hungary I think of Goulash and this recipe does not disappoint. The rich, meaty, beefy stew with its warming paprika really hit the spot. We made pinched noodles and cooked them in the goulash to accompany the meal, but you can serve it with rice or pasta.

The longer you cook this recipe the more delightful it is. If you have a slow cooker you can bung it in there in the morning and forget about it otherwise just leave it bubbling in the oven or on the stove

There are so many recipes available but I chose one from the Kitchen Sanctuary.



Preheat the oven to 170c/325f. Heat up the oil in your dutch oven or cooker-friendly casserole dish. Cut the beef into bit-sized chunks and dredge the beef in the seasoned flour and fry in 2-3 batches until well-browned. Once browned, remove from the pan and place in a bowl.


Dice the onion and crush the garlic. Turn down the heat and place the onions in the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring (try to scrape up a some of the brown bits that may have stuck to the bottom of the pan. Keep the heat low to ensure it doesn't burn). Add in the garlic and tomato puree, stir, then add the beef back in.


Sprinkle the beef with the paprika, salt and pepper and stir to coat, then pour in the canned chopped tomatoes, beef stock and honey. Stir and bring to a simmer. Once simmering, scrape up any bits from the bottom of the pan and stir. Then place a lid on and place in the oven to cook for 3 hours 30 minutes.


Check and stir 2 or 3 times during cooking to ensure nothing is sticking and that there is still plenty of liquid (you can add a splash of water if needed).


After 3 and ½ hours, add in the sliced peppers, stir and put back in the oven for 30 minutes.


Take out of the oven, stir, then swirl the soured cream on top, sprinkle with parsley and serve with pasta and extra sour cream.

Hungarian Csipetke
Lekvaros bukta
Hungarian Csipetke
Lekvaros bukta