1 Egg
as much as is necessary to create a firm, smooth dough Plain Flour
pinch Salt
Noodles are popular in Hungarian cuisine, either being added to stews or soups. After my lacklustre Austrian noodle attempt I thought I’d see if the Hungarian ones were better. Well they are very easy to make – no requirement for special tools.
These ones took no more than 20 minutes to make and were added the Goulash to cook, but you can boil them in water instead. They are tiny lemon seed sized noodles and in looks they remind me of mini gnocchi. I seemed to make an army of them.
If you don’t have a goulash to put them into add them to a soup. I got the recipe from Budapest Cooking Class.
In a medium bowl mix together the egg, the salt and the flour, and knead with your fingertips until a firm, smooth dough forms. |
Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 15 minutes. You can use it immediately if you are in a hurry. |
Pinch off small pieces of dough about the size of a lemon seed and roll them. Drop them into the soup and cook for about 5-8 minutes. |