300 g Dark Chocolate
50 g Pistachio nuts
50 g Almond Flakes
50 g Calfornia Raisins
20 g Hazelnuts
The last recipe in my trio is my reward for surviving this weekend. Chocolate mendiants are so simple to make, three simple steps and voila! beautiful chocolates.
I found the chocolate mendiant recipe on Belgium chef Emmanuel Stroobant’s website. It has a delicious chocolate truffle recipe with it too – definitely worth a try.
The weather has been ridiculously hot (for London) this week, so we had to make these in the morning and put them in the fridge to get them to set. The nuts were not to everyone’s taste but you can decorate them however you want on top, so we all made our own ones.
I hope my photograph does them justice. Tuck in, they won’t hang around.
Melt the dark chocolate in a Bain-Marie or over a hot water bath. |
On waxed parchment paper, drop small spoonfuls of melted chocolate and use the back of the spoon to ease to make a circle. Set two or three toppings on the chocolate circles. |
Put the sheet in a cool place for the chocolate to harden and then remove carefully once it is set. |